Dear all,
Christmas is coming up in a few days time and the end of the year is almost in sight. What a year it has been! Laxmi Support was forced to stop two projects due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in Nepal, but fortunately we can now report that we have recently and successfully completed one project. Completion of the second project is scheduled for early next year.
Schoolsupplies for 10 students:
At the beginning of this year, we provided ten students from Taruka Hillside School in the Nuwakot district new school uniforms.These students come from poor families and have a ‘scholarship’ from the school, so that school fees do not have to be paid. As all schools were closed in March due to the outbreak of Covid-19, we were forced to put the project on hold. However in October the project was successfully completed by handing out textbooks, notebooks and writing materials sufficient to cover the entire school year. The mothers of the children were also present during the distribution and the appreciation of this support was enormous.
Computer project February 2021:
At the beginning of this year, we made preparations to set up a computer class for a senior school in Nuwakot. At the moment the students are given computer lessons using books but without any computers. The plan is to purchase a printer and, depending on the budget, four or five computers and chairs. Wooden tables will be manufactured by the local carpenter. This project had to be postponed as well, but we plan to carry it out in February-March next year.
Online Webshop:
Support our projects and order something nice in our newly opened online webshop. Handmade Christmas Snowflakes for only Euro 3.50, gorgeous for decorating the Christmas tree. We also offer handmade key rings, perfect for the school bag or bunch of keys, for only Euro 4.90 and other nice items from Nepal and Bali. Needless to say that all proceeds will go directly to our projects for next year.
Click here to view our webshop or consider a donation to support our projects:
Thanks to our sponsors:
We would like to thank all our sponsors for the support of the past year. Without your help we would not have been able to carry out our support projects.
With your help 109 families received food & hygiene packages during the months-long lock-down and all the rooms in the newly rented house of the Hopeful Home orphans have been completely painted and equipped with new carpets, curtains and bed sheets. Finally, we sponsored ten students for the entire school year. All this is not possible without the help of our sponsors! Thousand times thanks for this!
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy 2021!
Geke, Jolanda, Sylvia, Alex & Samantha
Laxmi Support Foundation