At the end of May 2022, we distributed food parcels to 10 families from different villages in the Nuwakot district. Every family is poor and could use extra support. The food package consists of a bag of rice, 3 kilos of lentils, 3 liters of cooking oil, 3 bags of salt and 3 bags of soya beans.

The families live in different villages in the area. Some came to pick up the parcels, others received the food at their home. Ram also handed out 2 kilos of baby milk powder and 2 packs of biscuits to the grandmother of the babies in the photo below. The father works overseas and the mother unfortunately passed away.

Ram also distributed 5 pairs of crutches to disabled people from different villages. He ordered the crutches from the hospital in Kathmandu and transported them on his motorcycle to the hills of Nuwakot. The crutches are height adjustable and the people were very happy with this support.

We would like to thank all our sponsors for this support. Huge thanks goes out to Photo Club FWS Maasluis in the Netherlands, who made a special donation to our charity.