Books and writing materials – 2016

Sharad Secondary School is located in Garambesi village in Lamjung district. The school has approximately 350 students. We were asked to help replenish the library of this school. For this purpose, Ram bought 54 books in Kathmandu, 1,100 notebooks and pencils, erasers and sharpeners and four posters for the wall.


Ram traveled to the Lamjung district on Saturday, 24 September, 2016. The trip took five hours, after which the journey continued by jeep. After a bumpy ride on muddy roads, they arrived at the remote village two hours later.

The next day, during the morning assembly, the supplies were officially handed over to the head of the school and the notebooks and writing materials were distributed to the children. During the assembly, all students lined up on the schoolyard to do some stretching exercises to the beat of a large drum followed by the reading of a morning prayer which is repeated by all students.


The school’s library consisted of only three books, so it could hardly be called a library. But with the 54 books the children can acquire knowledge of all kinds, such as chemistry, Nepalese history, stories of famous personalities, dictionaries, novels and even a book about the new constitution of Nepal and books for practicing the alphabet for the little ones. The principal of the school was very pleased with this new selection.

Thank you very much to all sponsors for making this help possible for the children of Sharad Secondary School.
