Shree Surya Jyoti Primary School is located in Bettyani village and is about an hour and a half drive from Pokhara. The village is located in the beautiful hills of the Kaski district and consists of about sixty houses. The school is supported by the government, however the budget is not sufficient to carry out certain renovation projects. The school has approximately 30 students and consists of three year groups.
In December 2006 we visited the school for the first time. The school consists of two buildings, of which the walls of the first building are plastered, but the walls of the second building are covered with clay. The school had a problem with drinking water, which is stored in a tank behind the school. However, the water comes from another village, which causes problems in the dry season, when water is scarce. In 2007, Laxmi Support started supporting this school. Browse our projects below:
All projects
2012 – Painting school building
School sweaters, hats,
book, and writing materials
School uniforms, sweaters, and writing materials