Tijdens ons verblijf in Kathmandu in juli van 2015 hebben we blauwe schooltruien, sandalen, blauwe mutsen, schriften, potloden, puntenslijpers en gummetjes ingeslagen voor de 45 leerlingen van de Suryamati Primary School van het dorp Narjamandap in het Nuwakot district. De spullen werden bij Ram thuis opgeslagen met als plan om na de moesson regens als de wegen weer goed begaanbaar zijn de spullen naar de school te brengen. Dat is gelukt.
“Everybody know that Nepal is in crisis right now due to the shortage of petrol and life has become very tough but I planned to donate something to small kids. My passion is to make other happy. So I head on to poor kids at 5:00 AM on Thursday. I need to go up to buspark where I booked a taxi. Only few local buses were running on the road but non of the local bus picked us seeing that we have luggage. We waited one hour which became very late but we had no option. After 70 minute we catch a local bus putting our luggage on roof which was illegal. Finally we catch a taxi around 7:30 and head on to a school. We reached the school at 12:00 noon and saw kids who were very happy. Then we distribute sweaters, caps, pencils, erasers, cutters and sandles to the bare feet. I was really happy seeing their smiley faces..love to do such a helping task forever…”