The following four schools were included in this project:
– Saraswoti Lower Secondary School;
– Chandi Primary School;
– Annapurna Basic School.
At the end of November we distributed 280 blue tracksuits to students from three schools in the Nuwakot district. The children and teachers were very happy with this extra support. Ram received a list of the three schools upfront with all the different sizes needed. Ram found a suitable small factory in Kathmandu where the tracksuits could be produced within reasonable time. It took a week of hard work to get everything ready and packaged for transport.
Ram visited the factory a few times to monitor the process and handed out energy drinks to the employees. The name of the different schools is printed on the front and back of the tracksuit jacket. On the last day, everyone worked until late at night to iron all the tracksuits and pack them in large bags, ready for transport to the village.
On November 29, Ram rented a 4×4 jeep to travel to the Nuwakot district. Upon arrival Ram and his family received a warm welcome from the school committee and the 124 students of the Shree Saraswoti Basic School. Ram also distributed tracksuits to the 144 students of the Chandi Primary School.

The tracksuits were also distributed to the six students of Annapurna Primary School. The students of this school come from families belonging to the lower caste of society.

Unfortunately we found out that we had missed a number of students, whose name was not on the list. We followed up swiftly and had 14 more tracksuits made in the same factory on Kathmandu and a week later Ram distributed these to the 14 students of the Shree Saraswoti Basic School.
Everyone was very happy and very proud of this support. We would like to thank all our sponsors. Also big thanks to Ram and his family for successfully executing the project.