Support us

You can support the Laxmi Support Foundation in various ways. Our projects cannot be carried out without any donations. We also arrange volunteer work, a visit to the Hopeful Home children’s home or the Annapurna Primary School. Read more below:

Laxmi Support is entirely dependent on financial support from our sponsors. Without donations we cannot carry out our activities in Nepal. The fixed costs of Laxmi Support are kept to the minimum, which means more than 90% of all donations can be spent directly on our projects. Please consider making a donation:

You can also donate in GBP, US$, and Euro via PaypalMe. For more information of how to make a donation, go to:


Applicable for Dutch taxpayers: Laxmi Support has been designated by the Dutch Tax Authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI), which means that your donation may be tax deductible. For more information see:


It is certain that volunteer work in Nepal is an educational and enriching experience. Enthusiastic volunteers can make an important contribution to the development of the children by providing personal attention, teaching English, helping with homework and organizing activities and games.

Gerdien de Kam, volunteer, Hopeful Home 2008

Since 2008, Laxmi Support has successfully guided 13 volunteers in Nepal. Laxmi Support does not charge any costs for arranging a volunteer position. It is possible to do volunteer work at the Hopeful Home children’s home or at the Annapurna Primary School. For more information, click here: