Personal Overseas Development (PoD) is een non-profit organisatie gevestigd in het Verenigd Koningkrijk, die tegen betaling, vrijwilligerswerk regelt bij projecten in diverse landen, zoals Cambodja, Indonesië en Nepal. De Annapurna Primary School is één van de projecten die PoD in haar vrijwilligerswerk mogelijkheden heeft opgenomen. Wij zijn hier zeer verheugd over omdat de Annapurna School zo meer kans heeft op extra ondersteuning van vrijwilligers. Als u meer wilt lezen over het werk van PoD, klik dan op de volgende link:
Hieronder kunt u het verhaal lezen van één van de PoD vrijwilligers, Sarah Williams:
“I would just like to tell you about my recent volunteer experience at the Annapurna Primary School in Pokhara, in March/April this year (2009). I was fortunate enough to spend four weeks at the school via the volunteer organisation PoD. My background is in early year education so I was concerned with improving the play and learning opportunities for the younger children at the school, particularly the three to six year olds. This age group seemed particularly under-resourced and had few materials or stimulating activities to aid their development.
I was very emotional when the time came to leave the school as I had developed strong bonds with the pupils and staff but I have very happy memories and a sense of fulfilment that I was able to make a positive impact during my stay. I do hope to return at some point and see how the school is doing.
Sarah Williams”
We would like to thank Sarah for her enthousiastic support to the children and the teachers of the Annapurna Primary School.
Graag willen wij Sarah hartelijk danken voor haar enthousiaste bijdrage en inzet voor de kinderen en leraren van de Annapurna Primary School.